Internet Banking Platform Changes Coming Soon

Bankers Trust’s Internet Banking platform will be changing on March 4, 2025. The new platform will provide customers with a modernized experience, as well as new features and capabilities. Refer to the FAQ below for additional information.


  • Q. When will I see the updates?

    A. Internet Banking updates begin on March 4. It may take 24-48 hours for the updates to be seen by all customers. If you do not see the new system when you log in, please check again the next day. Reach out to the Bankers Trust Customer Service team if you are experiencing any issues or are not seeing the update by March 6.

  • Q. What do I need to do to prepare for the update?

    A. There will be no change to the login process. If you are already logging in to Internet Banking from the Bankers Trust website, you will automatically see the updated user experience when you log in.

  • Q. What if I only use the Mobile Banking App and did not initially enroll in Internet Banking?

    A. Customers that have never fully enrolled in Internet Banking will need to do so by February 24. To prepare Mobile Only customers for this update, we want to ensure you are eligible. To experience both the Mobile and Internet Banking updates, you must be fully enrolled in Internet Banking. You can test this out by following these easy steps:  

    • Visit and log in to Personal Internet Banking via the login bar at the top of the webpage using your current Mobile Banking credentials. If you successfully log in, you are already an Internet Banking member and you are all set.  
    • If you cannot log in with your current Mobile Banking credentials, click “Enroll, or visit this link directly, and complete the enrollment process by entering your information. Once validated, you will see your current User ID. Enter your current Mobile Banking password to continue.  
    • Once you are successfully logged in to Internet Banking, you are eligible to experience the new updates to Bankers Trust Internet and Mobile Banking.

Personal Finance Tools

Benefits Banking

  • Q. Where do I view my Benefits Banking loyalty program information?

    A. Benefits Banking will not be visible as a link in Internet Banking after the updates. You can find the Benefits Banking information on your eligible account statement. We recommend enrolling in eStatements for the quickest access to your account statements and to view your benefits. To enroll in eStatements from within the new Internet Banking, click on the Accounts tab, then click Online Documents. From there you can change your Delivery Settings for your Statements, Notices and Tax Forms. 

    If you’re not a member of the Benefits Banking loyalty program, please visit this page for more details:


  • Q. Will existing alerts transfer to the new system?

    A. If you have any alerts currently set up for reminders such as low balance alert, you will need to set that up again. New alert categories have been added. Please review and subscribe to any that will be helpful for you.

  • Q. What alerts will be available?

    A. An expanded catalog of alerts will be available. You can subscribe to Account Alerts and Service Alerts for things like CD Maturity Notices, Loan Payment Due notices, and balance thresholds to send you an email reminder. Click on the Customer Service tab, then click on Alerts. Please note mandatory alerts cannot be deleted.

    Please note: On the Alerts page, when you click on Show Contact Information, you may not see your mobile phone number and it will say “None on Record’.” This indicates you are not enrolled in Text Alerts. To see your mobile phone number on record, click on the Edit icon to go to the Self Administration page. To set up Text Alerts, click on the link that says Go to Mobile Banking. This is also the link to enroll in Text Banking. If you already have text banking, make sure you are clicking Activate Now, and not Enroll, to activate your cell number for Text Alerts.



  • Q. Is anything changing with my existing external transfers?

    A. External transfers are still available, and any scheduled transfers will carry over. You will notice when you initiate the transfer, you can no longer select the current date (today’s date).  These must be futuredated only. The transfer will take about the same amount of time to process. 

  • Q. Why can't I reset my username and password?

    A. Beginning February 28, the self-service links for Forgot Username and Reset Password will not work until the new system is live on March 4. Call the Bankers Trust Customer Service team at 1.800.362.1688 for assistance during this time. Customer Service hours are Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CST), and Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to Noon (CST).