Easy Access Account Information

Easy Access Phone Number: (515) 245-5252 or 1-800-932-3279

What is Easy Access?

Easy Access is an automated phone service for accessing your account activity, balances, interest rates, and much more 24 hours a day. The automated service offers your most current account information and provides the option to connect to a Customer Service Representative for assistance during banking hours. The following instructions will guide you through the process.

To begin, have your account number(s) available. You will be prompted to enter a four digit PIN for each account you access. The default PIN is the last four digits of your Social Security number. After entering the default PIN you will be prompted to choose a new PIN to use for all future Easy Access account inquiries.

Available commands for all options

  • 0: Speak with a Customer Service Representative
  • 9: Return to the Main Menu
  • 8: Return to the Previous Menu

Option 1: ATM or Visa® debit card functions

The card number is required (if the card number is not available, press 0 for assistance). If your card has not been activated, you will be prompted to do so.

Press 1: Report a lost or stolen card

Press 2: Change card PIN

Option 2: Checking, Savings, CD or IRA account information

Press 1 for Checking and Health Savings Account: gives current, available, and ledger balances, and if Checking Reserve is tied to account, gives available line and today’s payoff amount

  • Press 1: For transaction activity
    • Press 1: Last 10 withdrawals or debits
    • Press 2: Last 10 deposits and credits
  • Press 2. Search for single check or dollar amount
    • Press 1: Check
    • Press 2: Dollar amount
  • Press 3: Repeat balance information
  • Press 4: Interest information – gives year-to-date interest and prior-year interest
  • Press 5: For account services
    • Press 1: Place a stop payment on account (Stop payment subject to a fee, as disclosed in the Service Fee Schedule)
    • Press 2: Set overdraft services for ATM and debit card transactions

Press 2 for Investment Savings or Secure LifeStyles Savings account information: gives current, available, and ledger balance

  • Press 1: For transaction activity
    • Press 1: Last 10 withdrawals or debits
    • Press 2: Last 10 deposits and credits
  • Press 2: Search for single check or dollar amount
    • Press 1: Check
    • Press 2: Dollar amount
  • Press 3: Repeat balance information
  • Press 4: Interest information: gives year-to-date interest and prior-year interest
  • Press 5: For account services
    • Press 1: Place a stop payment on account (Stop Payment subject to a fee, as disclosed in the Service Fee Schedule)
    • Press 2: Set overdraft services for ATM and debit card transactions

Press 3 for all other savings accounts: gives current, available and ledger balance

  • Press 1: For transaction activity
    • Press 1: Last 10 withdrawals or debits
    • Press 2: Last 10 deposits and credits
  • Press 2: Repeat balance information
  • Press 3: Interest information: gives year-to-date interest and prior-year interest
  • Press 4: For account services: set overdraft services for ATM and debit card transactions

Press 4 for CD or IRA account information: gives current balance, interest rate, term, maturity date, last interest amount/posted date, interest paid year-to-date, and interest paid last year.

  • Press 1: Repeat CD or IRA Account Information

Option 3: Transfer funds

To transfer from:

  • Press 1: Checking
  • Press 2: Investment savings or Secure LifeStyles savings account
  • Press 3: All other savings accounts
  • Press 4: Line of credit

To transfer to:

  • Press 1: Checking
  • Press 2: Investment savings or Secure LifeStyles savings account
  • Press 3: All other savings accounts
  • Press 4: Mortgage loan
  • Press 5: Installment loan
  • Press 6: Commercial loan
  • Press 7: Line of credit

Option 4: Loan or line of credit

Press 1 for Mortgage Loan: gives current balance, next payment due date, current escrow balance and payoff amount

  • Press 1: Payment information: gives last payment amount/date and next payment amount/date
    • Press 1: Payment mailing address
  • Press 2: Interest information: gives interest rate, year-to-date interest, and prior-year interest
  • Press 3: Escrow information: gives current balance, last tax escrow disbursement amount/date, and next tax escrow disbursement date
  • Press 4: Original loan information: gives original loan balance amount/date and maturity date

Press 2 for Installment Loan: gives principal balance and next payment due date, and payoff amount

  • Press 1: Payment information: gives last payment amount/date and next payment amount/date
    • Press 1: Payment mailing address
  • Press 2: Interest information: gives interest rate, year-to-date interest, and prior-year interest
  • Press 3: Original loan information: gives original loan balance amount/date and maturity date

Press 3 for Commercial Loan: gives current balance and next payment due date

  • Press 1: Payment information: gives last payment amount/date and next payment amount/date
    • Press 1: Payment mailing address
  • Press 2: Interest information: gives interest rate, year-to-date interest, and prior-year interest
  • Press 3: Original loan information: gives original loan balance amount/date and maturity date

Press 4 for Home Equity Line of Credit: gives current balance, available credit, and payoff amount

  • Press 1: Payment information: gives last payment amount/date and next payment amount/date
    • Press 1: Payment mailing address
  • Press 2: Interest information: gives interest rate, year-to-date interest, and prior-year interest
  • Press 3: Information on advance: gives date/amount of last three advances

Option 5: Change Easy Access PIN

Press 1: Deposit account

Press 2: Loan account

Option 6: Verify funds in an account


  • Available Balance is the current balance minus any floats, holds, and online floats.
  • Current Balance is the ledger balance plus/minus today’s activity.
  • Ledger Balance is the balance at end of the prior business day. (Please note, not all transactions clear in real time. You may have outstanding transactions, such as checks and debit card transactions, which have not yet posted to the account.)

For assistance for questions, contact Customer Service at 1-800-362-1688.